Nursing students will be held accountable for maintaining individual honor in their academic pursuits and are expected to promote a spirit of academic honesty.

Students promote academic honesty neither by participating in cheating (receiving, obtaining or exchanging of information during examinations).

  1. Cheating or collaboration with anyone engaged in cheating (receiving, obtaining or exchanging of information during examinations).
  2. Plagiarism, taking and using the ideas, thoughts, words, writing, graphics or designs of another as one’s own, submitting work that has been copied wholly or partly from written or printed sources without proper documentation or permission from the source.
  3. Failure to report medication errors or incidents detrimental to the patients’ well-being.
  4. Taking credit for the task performed by another or failure to perform assigned tasks.

In an environment dedicated to promoting academic excellence, acts of academic dishonesty are unacceptable and are subject to disciplinary action, which may include dismissal from the school.